Chapter V – General Provisions

5.1- Ecorodovias will not comment on rumors, but will respond to any question by informing that there will be no comment.

5.2- The need for making a pronouncement, confirming or denying reports, in the case of rumors that affect the price or volume of securities issued by the Company, will be considered and decided by the Ecorodovias Executive Board.

5.3- The Investor Relations Officer of Ecorodovias is responsible for executing and enforcing the Company’s Disclosure and Trading Policies.

5.4- Any amendment to these Disclosure and Trading Policies must be reported to the CVM and to the Stock Exchanges. The Policy may not be altered when an undisclosed Relevant Act or Fact is pending.

5.5- These Disclosure and Trading Policies will go into effect the day they are approved by the Board of Directors and will remain in effect for an undetermined period, until there is a resolution from the Board to the contrary.

5.6- The provisions contained herein do not annul the responsibility, as determined by law and regulations, of third parties who are not directly related to Ecorodovias and who have knowledge of a Relevant Act or Fact and proceed to trade in securities issued by the Company.