Chapter I Objective and Scope

1.1- The trading and disclosure policies (Policies) are intended to provide investors, market analysts, the financial press and other interested parties the highest standards of transparency and reliability, by aligning the Company’s internal policy to good practices of conduct in the usage of information, disclosure of relevant acts or facts and the trading of securities issued by the Company.

1.2 – The Policies must compulsorily be observed by (i) controlling shareholders; (ii) management; (iii) members of the Fiscal Council; (iv) members of other bodies having technical or advisory functions at Ecorodovias; and, (v) all other group employees and executives, as well as service providers with any access to relevant information.

1.3- The above-mentioned persons must sign the respective Terms of Adhesion to the Policies, as laid down by Art. 16, Sec. 1, of CVM Instruction 358/02 which is annexed to these Policies as Annex I, which will be held on file at Ecorodovias headquarters while such persons remain with the Company and for at least five years after their departure.

1.4- Any other person whom the Company, by its own judgment, deems necessary must also adhere to these Policies, by signing the Terms of Adhesion.

1.5- The company will maintain, at its headquarters, an updated list of persons who have signed the Terms of Adhesion, including their respective qualifications, position or function, address, the Corporate Taxpayers’ Register Number (CNPJ) or Individual Taxpayers’ Register (CPF), (both issued by the Ministry of Finance.