6. Conduct With Employees

Grupo EcoRodovias:

  1. Respects its employees and protects their physical, moral and psychological integrity;
  2. Does not support child, forced or slave labor;
  3. Promotes and stimulates equal opportunities with the purpose of building a culture of respect to diversity;
  4. Complies with the legislation on non-discrimination and equal job opportunities in recruiting, selecting and dismissing procedures;
  5. Candidates indicated by our employees (with or without relative ties) shall complete the selective process and compete in equal conditions with the other candidates. In case of family ties, subordination or direct influential relationship between each other are not allowed;
  6. Salary and professional development policies are exclusively based on individual merit, performance and competence. Grupo EcoRodovias adopts no criteria for personal favoring or discrimination;
  7. The performance and reward evaluation systems and practices are also exclusively based on criteria related to performance and result of the work of every person, and decisions that affect the professional career of subordinates based on positive or negative aspects of a personal relationship shall not be tolerated;
  8. Promotes internal communication in order to disseminate and level out information and knowledge;
  9. Protects the confidentiality and security of information;
  10. Shall not tolerate the use of a position to request personal favors or services to subordinates;
  11. Respects the right of employees to associate in unions, as well as collectively negotiate, ensuring that no retaliation takes place;
  12. Promotes, whenever possible, the employment of disabled people and young apprentices.

6.1. Health and Safety at Work

Grupo EcoRodovias:

  1. Regarding health and safety at work, keeps permanent risk management and complies with the applicable legislation;
  2. Develops preventive health and medicine programs focused on employees and their dependents, aiming for increasing life quality;
  3. Continuously manages and assesses risk factors, performing systematic action towards awareness raising, education and intervention;
  4. regarding safety at work, supports and incentives the Internal Committee for Accident Prevention (Comissões Internas de Prevenção de Acidentes – CIPA’s), and promote diverse activities during the Internal Weeks for Occupational Accident Prevention (Semanas Internas de Prevenção de Acidentes do Trabalho – SIPAT’s), going beyond the legally required;
  5. Dissemination of a preventive culture is reinforced with regular training for employees from diverse areas of the Company;
  6. Develops traffic accident prevention actions with stakeholders through education campaigns and other similar events, with a goal to reduce accidents on highways administered by our concessionaires.

6.2. Moral and Sexual Harassment

Grupo EcoRodovias shall not tolerate disrespectful, impertinent, unfair, ignoble, threatening, aggressive or dishonest behavior towards any person, regardless of hierarchy, position or function, or arising from any discrimination or exclusion, such as economic, social, religious, political, racial, regarding color, sex, age, sexual orientation, origin or related to people with special needs.

Moral or sexual harassment of any nature shall not be tolerated.

Moral harassment exists when a person is exposed to humiliating and/or embarrassing situations in the performance of his/her duties for Grupo EcoRodovias.

Sexual harassment means to coerce a person with the objective of obtaining sexual favors by requests, insinuations or any similar manifestation.

6.3. Other Unacceptable Practices and Behaviors

Besides the practices and behaviors above mentioned, Grupo EcoRodovias also does not tolerate:

  1. Act of the Company that may cause damage to the interests of users, government, suppliers or may cause loss to the communities where we operate;
  2. To buy or sell any private good or service within the Company‘s premises;
  3. To work under the effect of illegal drugs or alcohol;
  4. To bear firearm and/or any kind of weapon in the workplace, except people duly authorized responsible for the Company‘s security;
  5. To perform acts that may cause damage to the assets of the Company, including money assets, material, equipment, buildings and installations in general;
  6. Use of equipment and other resources of the Company for private non-authorized use, including during the working period;
  7. To record messages, sounds or data from meetings, gatherings or talks about strategic or confidential issues, or issues that represent competitive advantage;
  8. To violate or request an employee to violate the law or the Code of Conduct;
  9. To receive values, such as tips, for services rendered free of charge by Grupo EcoRodovias;
  10. That employees develop external activities that compete with the business of the Company.

6.4. Expected Behavior

The employee is expected to:

  1. Permanently keep in mind the protection of the assets, image and interests of the Company and the working environment;
  2. Act with transparency, accuracy and good judgment on trips at service and/or when using corporate credit cards, so as not to incur in personal expenses or advantages in comfort conditions different from those experienced on everyday life;
  3. Engage in communication, guidance, order or practice only if in alignment with the provisions of this Code of Conduct;
  4. Reflect on attitudes and behavior of personal and professional integrity, not to risk his/her personal or the Company‘s patrimonial security, and while performing his/her duties, keep the same attitude that any honest person would have in the relationship with other persons and in the management of his/her own business;
  5. Endeavor a conscientious use of natural resources and to preserve the environment;
  6. Keep a personal appearance and clothing compatible with the institutional environment in which he/she works and with the performed function;
  7. Cooperate in case of a Company‘s decision to investigate claims of ethical or business misconduct;
  8. Be a role model of conduct and strive to set an example to his/her colleagues and subordinates, particularly those who have a personnel management position.