
Notice to the Market – Start of Toll Collection

ECORODOVIAS INFRAESTRUTURA E LOGÍSTICA S.A. (“Company” or “EcoRodovias”), hereby announces that its indirect subsidiary Concessionária Ecovias do Cerrado S.A. (“Ecovias do Cerrado”), after fulfilling the contractual obligations, has started collecting tolls at its toll plazas P1 in Uberlândia and P2 in Monte Alegre de Minas starting from 00:01 a.m. on November 14, 2020. Ecovias do Cerrado manages the lot of highways of BR-364/365/GO/MG, on the stretch between the intersection with highway BR-060(A) (Jataí/GO) and the intersection with highway LMG-479 (Contorno Oeste de Uberlândia/MG), with total length of 437.00 km.

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