
Notice to the Market – Conclusion of issuances of debentures by Concessionaires of the EcoRodovias Group

ECORODOVIAS INFRAESTRUTURA E LOGÍSTICA S.A. (“Company” or “EcoRodovias”), its direct subsidiary ECORODOVIAS CONCESSÕES E SERVIÇOS S.A. (“ECS”) and its indirect subsidiaries CONCESSIONÁRIA ECOVIAS DOS IMIGRANTES S.A. (“Ecovias dos Imigrantes”), CONCESSIONÁRIA DE RODOVIAS NOROESTE PAULISTA S.A. (“EcoNoroeste”) and CONCESSIONÁRIA DAS RODOVIAS AYRTON SENNA E CARVALHO PINTO S.A. – ECOPISTAS (“Ecopistas” and, together with Ecovias dos Imigrantes and EcoNoroeste, “Concessionaires”) hereby inform their shareholders and the market that they have concluded the issuances of debentures totaling R$3.48 billion, as follows:

(i) Ecovias dos Imigrantes: 5th Issue of Debentures, fully settled on March 28, 2023, in the amount of R$900 million, at the cost of CDI+2.00% p.a. and maturing in March 2025;

(ii) EcoNoroeste: 1st Issue of Debentures, fully settled on April 5, 2023, in the amount of R$1,400 million, at the cost of CDI+2.50% p.a. and maturing in September 2025; and

(iii) Ecopistas: 3rd Issue of Incentivized Debentures, fully settled on April 10, 2023, totaling R$1,180 million in two series, the first amounting to R$472 million, at the cost of IPCA+7.55% p.a. and maturing in March 2030, and the second amounting to R$708 million, at the cost of IPCA+8.15% p.a. and maturing in March 2035.

“The funds meet the expected financing needs to meet the contractual obligations of Concessionaires in 2023, improve the capital structure and tax efficiency of the EcoRodovias Group, extend the debt profile and strengthen the cash position”, stated Andrea Fernandes, Corporate Finance Officer at EcoRodovias.

To access the Notice to the Market, click here.

São Paulo, April 13, 2023

Marcello Guidotti
CEO and Investor Relations Officer
EcoRodovias Infraestrutura e Logística S.A.
55 (11) 3787 2683 / 2612 / 2674 / 2686

Hugo Rafael Mitz
Investor Relations Officer
EcoRodovias Concessões e Serviços S.A.

Ronald Dennis Marangon
Investor Relations Officer
Concessionária Ecovias dos Imigrantes S.A.
Concessionária das Rodovias Ayrton Senna e Carvalho Pinto S.A. – Ecopistas

Luciano Louzane
Superintendent Director
Concessionária de Rodovias Noroeste Paulista S.A.