Notice to the Market – 10th Issue of debentures of Ecorodovias Concessões e Serviços.
ECORODOVIAS INFRAESTRUTURA E LOGÍSTICA S.A. (“Company”), and its subsidiary ECORODOVIAS CONCESSÕES E SERVIÇOS S.A. (“ECS”), complementing the Material Fact notice disclosed by ECS on July 8, 2020, hereby inform the shareholders and the market that on July 14, 2020, the 10th issue of non-convertible, unsecured debentures of ECS, in a single series, totaling R$1 billion was settled pursuant to CVM Instruction 476 of January 16, 2009, as amended (“CVM Instruction 476”) (“Issue” and “Debentures”).
The Debentures will be entitled to compensatory interest of CDI + 3.50% p.a. The maturity of the Debentures will be 36 months from the date of issue, that is, they will mature on July 13, 2023.
Net proceeds from the Issue of Debentures will be used to settle debts, for investments and to strengthen the cash position of ECS. The Debentures will not have guarantees of any type.
The Company reaffirms its commitment to its obligations as a publicly held company listed on the Novo Mercado segment of the B3 stock exchange, and will disclose all and any material information in accordance with the applicable laws in force.
This material fact notice is merely for informational purposes, pursuant to the laws in force, and must not be interpreted or considered, for all legal purposes and effects, as material for the sale and/or disclosure of Debentures.
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