Material Fact – News published in the press about the Civil Non-Persecution Agreement – ANPC
ECORODOVIAS INFRAESTRUTURA E LOGÍSTICA S.A. (“Company”), ECORODOVIAS CONCESSÕES E SERVIÇOS S.A. (“ECS”) and CONCESSIONÁRIA ECOVIAS DOS IMIGRANTES S.A. (“Ecovias dos Imigrantes”) in compliance with the provisions of paragraph 4 of article 157 of Law No. 6,404/76, as amended, the Brazilian Securities Commission Resolution (“CVM”) No. 44/21, and as per the Material Fact released on April 06, 2020, herein inform the shareholders and the market that yesterday (September 21), the College of Prosecutors of the Public Prosecution Service of the State of São Paulo (“MPSP”) would deliberate about the homologation of the civil non-prosecution agreement (acordo de não persecução cível) (“ANPC”) executed by the Company, Ecovias dos Imigrantes and the MPSP.
On this date, some press vehicles published that the College of Prosecutors deliberated, unanimously, on the annulment of the ANPC and requested its filing because, among the reasons, there is no evidence of illegal practices. The Company did not receive copy of such deliberation and will, on this date, request the copy for the competent authorities or will wait for its publication on the Official Gazette to properly inform the shareholders and the market about its exact terms and its impacts on the companies.
The Company ratifies its commitment with its obligations, as publicly-held corporation listed in the New Market of B3, and any and all relevant information will be disclosed accordingly to the relevant and current legislation.
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