
Material Fact – Ecorodovias concludes acquisition of MGO

São Paulo, May 30, 2019ECORODOVIAS INFRAESTRUTURA E LOGÍSTICA S.A. (“Company”) and its direct subsidiary ECORODOVIAS CONCESSÕES E SERVIÇOS S.A. (“ECS”), in compliance with paragraph 4, article 157 of Federal Law 6,404/76, as amended, and Instruction 358/02 issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Brazil (“CVM”), complementing the Material Fact disclosed on February 1, 2018, hereby informs its shareholders and the market that it concluded the Share Purchase transaction related to the acquisition, by ECS, of 100% of the capital stock of Concessionária de Rodovias Minas Gerais Goiás S.A. (“MGO”), through the holding company of Argovias Administração e Participações S.A. The acquisition amount was R$654.8 million, after adjusting for inflation by the CDI rate between January 1, 2018 and May 29, 2019, paid on this date. The consummation of the acquisition fulfilled certain conditions precedent, which include approval by the National Ground Transportation Agency (“ANTT”), the Brazilian antitrust agency – CADE, the Brazilian Development Bank (“BNDES”) and other creditors, as well as authorization by the shareholders of the Company at an Extraordinary Shareholders Meeting.

Until January 2044, MGO is responsible for managing, recovering, conserving, maintaining, expanding and operating Highway BR-050 (GO/MG) on the 436.6 km stretch that begins at the intersection with Highway BR-040 in Cristalina (GO) and extends to the border of the states of Minas Gerais and São Paulo, in the city of Delta (MG).

The acquisition of MGO is consistent with the Ecorodovias Group’s strategy of focusing on highway concession assets and lengthening the duration of its portfolio.

Ecorodovias reaffirms its commitment to its obligations as a publicly held corporation listed on the Novo Mercado segment of the B3 stock exchange, and will disclose all and any material information in accordance with applicable laws.

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Marcello Guidotti
Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer
Ecorodovias Infraestrutura e Logística S.A. and Ecorodovias Concessões e Serviços S.A.
55 (11) 3787 2667

Investor Relations
Phone: (+55) 11 3787-2612/2674/2683