Notice to the Market – Tariff readjustment – Decision of the State Government of São Paulo
ECORODOVIAS INFRAESTRUTURA E LOGÍSTICA S.A. (“Company” or “Ecorodovias”), its direct subsidiary ECORODOVIAS CONCESSÕES E SERVIÇOS S.A. (“ECS”) and its indirect subsidiaries CONCESSIONÁRIA ECOVIAS DOS IMIGRANTES S.A. (“Ecovias dos Imigrantes”) and CONCESSIONÁRIA DAS RODOVIAS AYRTON SENNA E CARVALHO PINTO S.A. – ECOPISTAS (“Ecopistas”) hereby inform their shareholders and the market that they were informed of the decision taken by the State Government of São Paulo (“Concession Authority”), published in the state register Diário Oficial do Estado de São Paulo, that in 2022 “toll tariffs be adjusted in a differentiated manner” and that the São Paulo State Public Transportation Services Regulatory Agency (ARTESP) “will study ways to arrive at contractual solutions to be implemented over the coming days in order to mitigate any imbalance.”
The Company will closely monitor the steps taken by the Concession Authority and study the necessary measures to safeguard its rights and ensure that the concession agreements of Ecovias dos Imigrantes and Ecopistas are honored.
São Paulo, July 1, 2022
Marcello Guidotti
Chief Executive, Financial and Investor Relations Officer
Ecorodovias Infraestrutura e Logística S.A.
Ecorodovias Concessões e Serviços S.A.
55 (11) 3787 2683 / 2612 / 2681
Ronald Dennis Marangon
Chief Executive and Investor Relations Officer
Concessionária Ecovias dos Imigrantes S.A.
Luciano Louzane
Chief Executive and Investor Relations Officer
Concessionária das Rodovias Ayrton Senna e Carvalho Pinto S.A. – Ecopistas