Notice to the Market – Start of toll collection by EcoRioMinas
ECORODOVIAS INFRAESTRUTURA E LOGÍSTICA S.A. (“Company” or “EcoRodovias”) and its direct subsidiary ECORODOVIAS CONCESSÕES E SERVIÇOS S.A. (“ECS”) hereby announce that ECORIOMINAS CONCESSIONÁRIA DE RODOVIAS S.A. (“EcoRioMinas” or “Concessionaire”) started collecting tolls at the Engenheiro Pierre Berman, Santa Guilhermina and Santo Aleixo toll plazas, which jointly account for approximately 34% of total toll revenue, starting from 12 a.m. today. EcoRioMinas manages the BR-116/465/493/RJ/MG highways, including the Metropolitan Arch of Rio de Janeiro and the stretch of Serra de Teresópolis, totaling 726.9 km in length.
According to the Concession Agreement, these three toll plazas will be deactivated in 12 months and replaced by two toll plazas (Itaboraí and Guapimirim). EcoRioMinas will start operating the Viúva Graça toll plaza in March 2023 (approximately 32% of total toll revenue), while the other eight toll plazas (approximately 34% of total toll revenue) will start operating together with Itaboraí and Guapimirim, bringing the total to 11 toll plazas.
EcoRioMinas generates EBITDA right from the start of the concession, improves the Company’s leverage in the short and medium terms and extends the term of its portfolio.
EcoRodovias reaffirms its commitment to its obligations as a publicly held company listed on the Novo Mercado segment of B3, and will disclose all and any material information in accordance with applicable laws.
To access the Notice to the Market, click here.
São Paulo, September 22, 2022.
Marcello Guidotti
CEO and Investor Relations Officer
EcoRodovias Infraestrutura e Logística S.A.
55 (11) 3787-2683/2612/2674/2686
Hugo Rafael Mitz
Investor Relations Officer
EcoRodovias Concessões e Serviços S.A.