Notice to the Market – CGEPR Resolution – Ecocataratas, Ecovia Caminho do Mar and ECS
ECORODOVIAS INFRAESTRUTURA E LOGÍSTICA S.A. (“Company”) and its direct subsidiary ECORODOVIAS CONCESSÕES E SERVIÇOS S.A. (“ECS”) hereby inform that they became aware of the publication of CGE Resolution 45 by the State Controller General of Paraná (CGE/PR), which determined the imposition of the following penalties on ECS and its subsidiaries in the State of Paraná in connection with Administrative Proceeding 16.097.213-0: (i) fine of R$38,600,100.00 on Rodovia das Cataratas S.A. (“Ecocataratas”); (ii) fine of R$27,570,180.00 on the concessionaire Ecovia Caminho do Mar S.A. (“Ecovia Caminho do Mar”); (iii) suspension of the rights of Ecocataratas, Ecovia Caminho do Mar and ECS to participate in bids and sign any agreement with the State of Paraná for two years; and (iv) joint and several liability of ECS for paying the above-mentioned fines.
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