Notice to the Market – BNDES financing to Ecoponte
ECORODOVIAS INFRAESTRUTURA E LOGÍSTICA S.A (“Company”) hereby announces to its shareholders and the general market that the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) approved by Decision no. Dir. 357/2017, the long term financing to CONCESSIONÁRIA PONTE RIO-NITERÓI S.A. – ECOPONTE, an indirect subsidiary of the Company, in the total amount of R$417 million, for the uses of executing construction projects, acquiring equipment and implementing systems and social projects, at a cost of TJLP+3.48% p.a.
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São Paulo, July 27th, 2017
Marcello Guidotti
Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer
Investor Relations
Phone: (+55) 11 3787-2612/2674/2683