
Notice to the Market – B3 Business Sustainability Index

Notice to the Market

São Paulo, November 30, 2018 – ECORODOVIAS INFRAESTRUTURA E LOGÍSTICA S.A. (“Company”), hereby informs the market that, for the eighth consecutive year, its shares will be included in the portfolio of B3’s Corporate Sustainability Index (ISE), effective from January 7, 2019 until January 03, 2020.

The ISE aims at reflecting the return of a stock portfolio composed of companies recognized by their commitment to social responsibility and corporate sustainability, and also promote the best practices in the Brazilian market.

The new portfolio includes 35 stocks from 30 companies. They represent 13 sectors and a total of R$1.73 trillion in market value, which is equal to 48.66% of the total market value of all companies traded on the B3 on November 27, 2018.

To download the full PDF file, click here.

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